COURSE | Islamic Cosmology

Science of the Cosmos, Science of the Soul

Science of the Cosmos, Science of the Soul | New 7 Week Online Course in Collaboration with Rumi Center | Sponsored by Mecca Books.

This 7 week online course in collaboration with the Rumi Center, is a deep study of the themes explored in William Chittick’s book Science of the Cosmos, Science of the Soul: The Pertinence of Islamic Cosmology in the Modern World. Each week we will cover one chapter and discuss the key ideas within it. 

About the Course

We will examine the four broad domains of intellectual inquiry: metaphysics, cosmology, spiritual psychology, and ethics. We will look at the perspectives of the Islamic tradition on how to transform our thought, awareness, and consciousness. 

The course features two weekly videos from Rumi Center’s Baraka Blue (one summary of the chapter and one focusing on a key idea within it), a weekly discussion group on zoom, weekly writing and discussion prompts related to the readings, and an online forum for all participants to share and discuss.

Last but not least, participants of this course will have the opportunity to discuss the book with its author William Chittick, who will be the special guest for our final week’s zoom session. 

Taught by Baraka Blue, co-facilitated with Zara Choudhary of Sacred Footsteps, with special guest William Chittick.

Course Details

How can we view the modern predicament through the lens of the Islamic intellectual and spiritual tradition? If a great philosopher, mystic or sage from the golden age of Islam was to visit our world, what would he say? How is our way of looking at the world different from his? How is our conception of ourselves and the cosmos different? How do our conceptions of knowledge, the intellect and the intellectual differ? Would he say that we have become godless or would he in fact see that we have come to worship many gods that we do not even acknowledge ourselves? 

Join us for a seven week deep dive into the themes explored in William Chittick’s book Science of the Cosmos, Science of the Soul: The Pertinence of Islamic Cosmology in the Modern World. Each week we will cover one chapter and discuss the key ideas within it, such as:

  • The four broad domains of intellectual inquiry: metaphysics, cosmology, spiritual psychology, and ethics. 
  • perspectives of the Islamic tradition on how to transform our thought, awareness, and consciousness. 
  • Ways in which pre-modern science in the Muslim world differed in important ways from modern science
  •  How would the modern predicament be viewed through the lens of the Islamic intellectual and spiritual tradition? 
  • How the quest for knowledge and wisdom was  intimately tied to the quest for knowledge of the self
  • How is the ecological crisis tied to spiritual crisis
  • Ways that reconnection with symbol, myth, and imagination can lead to self-understanding. 

Course Components

Weekly Teaching Videos and Readings

Weekly pre-recorded lectures and assigned readings with Baraka Blue. Discounts available for students on course reading material courtesy of Mecca Books.

Weekly Live Sessions 

Weekly virtual sessions with Baraka Blue and Zara Choudhary provide an opportunity for dialogue and discussion as well as sharing reflections on the text.

Special Guest Teacher

We will be joined by Professor Chittick for one session

Online Community Group

In addition to our weekly sessions the online group serves as a place to connect and share your reflections as well as connect with those of others around the world who are sharing the experience.

Registration Details

About the Teachers

Baraka Blue – Primary Teacher and Facilitator

Baraka Blue is a poet, musician, author, and teacher from Seattle, Washington. After reading the works of Rumi and Ibn Arabi he traveled to study with contemporary Sufi teachers in Morocco, Turkey, Yemen, Egypt and beyond. He is the founder of Rumi Center for Spirituality and the Arts – a community organisation dedicated to teaching and transmitting the wisdom of the Sufi spiritual path to seekers from all walks of life through online courses, retreats, and artistic productions. 

In addition to releasing multiple studio albums, authoring books of poetry, and performing internationally, Baraka Blue is a prolific educator with a master’s degree in Islamic Studies from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley.

Zara Choudhary – Co-Facilitator

Zara Choudhary is a writer specialising in Islamic art, travel and history. She is the founder and EIC of Sacred Footsteps.

Prof. William Chittick – Special Guest Teacher

William C. Chittick is an American philosopher, writer, translator, and interpreter of classical Islamic philosophical and mystical texts. He is best known for his work on Rumi and Ibn ‘Arabi, and has written extensively on the school of Ibn ‘Arabi, Islamic philosophy, and Islamic cosmology. He is a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Asian and Asian American Studies at Stony Brook University.

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