Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

Support Our Work

Up to this point, Sacred Footsteps has been sustained financially by our own small team of volunteers, but in order for us to progress and grow as an organization, we need your support.

We are committed to creating high-quality content. Our work highlights aspects of Muslim history and culture that are often overlooked and focuses on providing resources for Muslim travelers. We are also committed to challenging Orientalist narratives in travel writing and photography and showcasing the work of writers and photographers whose work actively seeks to ‘reclaim’ the narrative.

If you enjoy our content and believe in our vision, please consider supporting us financially by either becoming a Patron – or making a one-off contribution to Sacred Footsteps. Thank you and keep us in your prayers!

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If you enjoy our content and believe in our vision, please consider supporting us financially by becoming a Patron