Daleel al-Khayrāt (The Guide to Goodness) is a groundbreaking documentary series that explores the profound virtues of sending blessings (Salawat) upon the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. The first production of its kind in digital religious media, the series was filmed over three years, across eight countries and twenty cities, featuring powerful narratives and heartfelt testimonies from over 80 guests representing diverse cultures and backgrounds.
Presented in thirty episodes and produced by Noor Al-Mohebin and EP Saudi Productions, the series also offers an exploration of the Prophet’s life, presented in a deeply inspiring and moving narrative. From Egypt, Morocco and Saudi Arabia to Turkey, the Gambia and Senegal, the Daleel al-Khayrāt takes you on a global journey, uncovering love and spirituality through diverse cultural lenses and exploring the cherished place of the Prophet ﷺ in the hearts of millions around the world.
Where to Watch
Watch the series on daleelkhayrat.kit.com – one episode will be released daily during Ramadan,
Featured in the Series
More than 80 speakers are featured throughout the series, including scholars, musicians, poets and ordinary believers from diverse backgrounds, highlighting the many ways in which love for the Prophet ﷺ manifests across cultures and generations.
“In our city of Tarim, since childhood, we used to listen to our sheikhs during lessons and sessions. They used to send salawat on the Prophet ﷺ and with stories and tales that instil in the hearts the greatness of the Prophet ﷺ and attachment to the salawat.” — Habib Khadhim al-Saqqaf
“Even as we think about actions and behaviours of khayr (goodness) that he guided us to, so many, too many to list subhanAllah. Even when we remember them, when we do them, we send salawat on the Prophet ﷺ“ — Shaykha Ieasha Prime