People often ask what there is to do in Dubai aside from eat and shop. Having spent some time living there, I decided to compile my own list, based on some of my own favourite places to go and things to do. If malls are not really your thing, and you're not into desert 'excursions' that confuse Arab traditions with Bollywood (yes, this really happens), check out the list below for ideas that won't break the bank, don't require hotel tour guides, and have a little more substance than the usual tourist spots.
With its stunning coral beaches and a history and culture that combines Swahili, Arab, Indian and European influences, Unguja, better known as Zanzibar, is a fascinating place to visit- and since its almost entirely Muslim,...
At the foot of the Sierra Nevada mountains, in Spain's Andalusia province, sits the historic city of Granada. For almost 250 years, between 1238 and 1492, the city, then part of the Nasrid Kingdom, stood as the last remaining Muslim stronghold in the peninsula. Under the Nasrids, it became a hub for economic prosperity, cultural influence and intellectual development.

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