Sacred Spaces Competition

Do you have a sacred space and a story to go with it? Why not enter our completion and inspire others?

What is sacred?

Your sacred space can be a mosque or synagogue, mountain cave or river side temple; a large space or a small enclave (it can be anything really).

To Enter

1 Send us at least three photos of a place that is sacred to you (three photos of one single place)


2 a short description explaining its significance to you.

Email your entries to or, alternatively, DM us your photos on Instagram @sacredfoosteps.


Competition closes 30th April 2019.

The Sacred Footsteps team will pick 10 finalists. The winner will then be chosen by readers via an online voting process.


First place

The most inspiring entry (photos and description) will have the opportunity to share their story with our followers, readers and listeners on Instagram, website and podcast, as well as receive a selection of books handpicked by the Sacred Footsteps team.

Second & third places

The opportunity to share their story with our audience on Instagram and our website.


All photos submitted must be your own and have been taken in the last five years. By entering the competition, you give Sacred Footsteps permission to post your photos on its social media platforms, and/or website (you will be credited).

If the winner is not able/unwilling to accept any prize, Sacred Footsteps reserves the right to re-award to another entry.

Good luck!

  1. sAcred space
    I was just a little boy and I always liked the walk from my grandparents house down to the sea. On the way we would cross a little stream on the way where I would always look for water voles.Occasionally I would see one or even two which make my day even more than the beach.This became my special place of all time. Then one day,I saw some local news all about the success a local group had hsdintroducing otters back into this stream.They then went on to say that the ottres should survive as there were plenty of water voles for them to eat which if so would spoil my special place.

    1. It sounds so beautiful, and I love that it is attached to the memory of your grandparents home. The ending is a little bittersweet! Do you still visit the spot? — Zara

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