Sacred Spaces Competition: The Winner

Congratulations to Salim Bharwani winner of our Sacred Spaces competition! His entry ‘Tomb of Imam Husayn, Iraq, was voted favourite by our readers, ahead of nine other finalists. Dewan Choudhary’s entry ‘Behind the Wheel’ came in second place, with Ahmad El Khatib’s ‘El Matador Beach, California’ in third. Entrants were asked to describe their ‘sacred space’ in words, alongside three photos. 

As winner, Salim will receive a selection of books, chosen by the Sacred Footsteps team, and will appear on our podcast to share his story. 

WINNER:  Salim Bharwani Tomb of Husayn, Iraq

With the dawn of each new year many are accustomed to making resolutions, whereas I only have one wish, request, desire, prayer on my mind: to be granted the opportunity to visit a space deeply sacred to me and millions of others around the world- the tomb of Husayn, on the day of Arbaeen. There is a specific spot I have gravitated towards for the past several years, which is against a wall at the back of the grand mausoleum of Husayn Ibn Ali.

From this spot, I have the perfect view of the main entrance of the tomb and it is from here that I am able to simply sit and watch the lovers of Husayn flooding in. They flock to his tomb in waves, chanting and shouting various slogans, declaring their allegiance to Husayn’s cause for social justice. The noise and atmosphere is deafening and there is hardly any space to move. All around there are lines and lines of organised processions, waving flags and banging drums whilst broadcasting eulogies on loud speakers.

In fact, many have suggested I visit during another time of the year when there is plenty of space and no nouse so that I can ‘concentrate better’. To them I say definitively and with all my heart, it is at this very moment, in this position, on this day and at this time, that I live my entire year for. I yearn to be surrounded by lovers of Husyan who exude such passion and unwavering loyalty and commitment to his message, because amidst all the rush my heart feels truly at peace. My inner being is content and at ease, not longing or wanting anything but to remain. At that moment, it feels like I am connected to or plugged into something greater and bigger. I feel as though I am sitting in solitude with my Lord and nothing else on the face of this planet matters- just like Husayn on that fateful day of the 10th. I am prepared to forgo everything I hold near and dear to remain in this sacred space. A space where I prolong my prostrations to my Lord and raise my hands to the skies thanking Him for yet again granting me the opportunity to be present at the tomb of Husayn on the day of Arbaeen.


SECOND PLACE: Dewan Choudhary Behind the Wheel

My sacred space is actually… behind the wheel. Some people read, others meditate I like to drive to help clear my mind. Just drive for the sake of driving, no destination, taking random turns, late at night when there’s no traffic (this has actually helped me uncover a few hidden gems).
I believe it’s the seclusion, being alone in the car whilst being in control, that let’s my mind wander yet focus. When there are so many distractions vying for ‘braintime’, driving is my getaway.


THIRD PLACE: Ahmad El Khatib El Matador Beach, California

It unfolds almost instantly before your eyes as you approach the shore. Massive geological formations tower above the sand, scattered throughout the beach and reaching for the clouds above. Light and shadow dance, interwoven between the caves carved into the rock.  The tide, in it’s comings and goings, brings with it mist that glistens under the sunlight. 
There’s more beauty in these frames than one glance can do justice.  My glance begins sheltered in the familiarity of the cave, almost black. It’s then magnetically drawn to the centre, wherein lies a gateway to the outside world.  Bright light tries to penetrate the calm darkness of the cave, but to no avail.  The cave stands firm.
There is a softness to the shadows that blanket the shore and the sand is smooth, either untrodden or having forgotten, by way of wave, the feet that graced it.


Thank to all those who participated and voted! 

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